Fall Into Autumn

Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

“Dear Summer, I know you’re not gone, but I miss you already.” In my city, it is currently a bitter 50 degrees Fahrenheit with what feels like a freezing wind chill. Can you believe how fast summer came and is now almost over? The middle of summer was blazing hot and I enjoyed every minute of it. Now it’s time time to cool it on down and welcome autumn with open arms. When I think of fall, I think of the lovely foliage that I experience living here in New England. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I tend to stock up on spiced candles, long-sleeved henleys, and pumpkin muffins kin to a squirrel hoarding acorns.The Autumn Equinox will fall on Monday, September 23. It’s that time of year when the days become shorter and the nights grow longer in the Northern Hemisphere. Autumn is usually ushered in with rustic festivals filled with grilled corn, apple cider, and bumpy hayrides. These harvest festivals are celebrated all around the world at different times, marking the end of hard work in the fields and reaping what has been sewn.

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Symbols of Autumn

With autumn comes the perfect balance of Libras scales. There are equal hours of daylight and darkness, and nostalgic feelings of warmth and crisp cool air. Fall is associated with abundance due to the overflowing of food harvested. Autumn is also a time of deep reflection for many. The end of the summers comforting warmth and blinding sunlight has made its appearance, and the foreshadowing of ice-cold, barren, darkness sends chills throughout the body.

 Unlike summer, during the fall you may not be as active outdoors as the weather takes a turn and becomes more frigid. Autumns slower pace gives you more time to be indoors which in turn inspires you to look inward. This is an awesome time to journal and consider the decisions you have made, the road ahead of you, and how you can go about manifesting your desires. Fall shows us how beautiful it can be to let things go. The trees lose their leaves and still stand tall, firm, glorious and deep-rooted. Like spring, many people jumpstart fall with a deep cleaning of their home. Declutter and donate whatever is of no use to you anymore. This enchanting season prepares us for the winter recession so we can appreciate springs renewal.