Turn your Home into a Healing Sanctuary

My wish is to always stay like this. Living quietly in a corner of nature.

My wish is to always stay like this. Living quietly in a corner of nature.

If I could describe my personality type I would say that I am an introverted extrovert. I am a homebody and proud of it. There I said it. Often times when you tell people you are a homebody, they look at you like you are nuts. I'd much rather be at home than in a night club or bar. Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with these places. I just prefer to be in my own space doing my own thing. My own thing rarely includes large amounts of people and blaring music. In my world, the quote "home is where the heart is" couldn't be truer of a statement.

No matter how big or small, our homes should serve as a source of complete comfort. We come home to escape the troubles of the outside world and to wind down. Ideally, our homes should be warm and inviting. Maintaining a tidy and well-organized home is essential for things to run more efficiently in your household. In other words, you want the chi in your home to be on point.

Bringing nature into your home is a sure way to spruce your home up with natural beauty and natures healing energy. Nature has a supernatural way of calming the mind, body, and soul. Long-term studies looking at the brain activity of people who spent three days in nature revealed lower levels of theta activity. The theta activity indicated that the brain had rested. Since we live indoors, we are in a sense disconnected from nature. There are a multitude of ways we can bring natural resources into the home and increase the healing energy of our sanctuaries.


4 Ways to Bring Nature into your Home

Home is a nurturing sanctuary in which you should feel safe and calm at all times.

  1. House Plants

Houseplants are the more obvious way of bringing nature indoors. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they can also increase the air quality in your home. Some houseplants that are good for beginners are succulents and cacti.

2.Water Fountain

People love the sound of waves crashing on the beach or the sound of torrential rain pounding the concrete. Flowing water is extremely soothing and great for mental relaxation. There are a host of small water fountains for sale in Home Goods stores. There are a variety of styles to fit in with the decor of your home and a plus is they are affordable.


Crystals are naturally occurring rocks that form when liquids start to cool. Certain molecules in the liquid gather together as they attempt to become stable. They do this in a uniform and repeating pattern that forms the crystal. Crystals come in a variety of colors and formations. They are gorgeous to look at and people sometimes use crystals as a meditation tool. They are said to have different spiritual properties and healing energies. Feel free to research the term "crystal healing" for more information.

4.Plant-Based Foods

I know this may be a bit unexpected but bear with me for a moment. Just as we are treating our homes with love and care we need to be treating our bodies the same way if not better. Plant-based foods are nutrient dense and provide the body with the nourishment and fuel it needs to thrive. Fill your refrigerator with as many fruits and vegetables as you can. Your body will thank you in more ways than you could imagine. We only get one body this lifetime. Cherish it.


Create your Heaven on Earth Now

There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.

There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.

I can remember in my early college days when gossip blogs became increasingly popular. My former best friend and I would gawk at the pictures and admire the luxury clothing and lavish lifestyles. We would emulate their style of dress and dream of one-day meeting or being friends with these celebrities. One day while visiting one of these blogs, and staring at a picture of Beyonce relax on a yacht, a light clicked in my mind. I asked myself what I was gaining from following and being so fixated on the lives of these famous strangers. Granted, we did love their artistry and talent but this obsession with how they lived was becoming a bit much. It was that day in which I decided that I was no longer going to follow these gossip sites to watch the rich and famous live out their dreams. Instead, I was going to focus my energy on living my best life and creating my very own version of heaven on earth.

One of the first questions I asked myself was " What are your dreams?" This question is pivotal in creating your heaven on earth. You must identify what you want out of life and do everything in your power to make that happen. It is that simple. Of course, the road will not be easy, but that is the formula you must follow. There is no way you can fail if you follow through.

The next question I asked was " What do you need to do to accomplish these dreams?". At that point in my life, I was very unhappy. I was dealing with the loss of my great- grandmother and at odds with my beloved mother. I was in college disinterested in my studies and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was so down and out that my only dream at the time was to be genuinely happy. I read numerous self- help books, listened to Louise Hay affirmations and stayed to myself. I began to look at life from a different perspective and became happier and more connected to myself as the days passed. Mission accomplished.

Home is where the heart is.

Home is where the heart is.

"Where do you see yourself living?" is another great question to ask yourself. Your environment has a direct effect on you. For instance, If you are easily stressed and anxiety-prone, city life is not for you. And on the flip side, if you are bored in your small hometown and want to experience a faster pace and more active lifestyle, then you should consider moving to the city.

The relationships we experience and form in our lives shape us into who we are, and who we will become. These relationships, whether they be family, friends, or romantic should be loving and supporting. Who do you want by your side while enjoying your heaven on earth? Think to yourself who makes you feel loved, inspired and supported and try and cultivate your relationship with them even further. Anyone who is not supportive or in any way hinders your happiness should have limited access to you. You don't have to completely cut them off but you should create clear and concise boundaries for these individuals.

Only you know what your heaven on earth looks like. We all have different dreams and aspirations. Asking yourself these basic questions gives you a head start at creating your dream life. It is our birthright to delight in and fall in love with our lives. Heaven doesn't have to be some far off fantasy land in the sky. You can and should create your very own heaven here and now.


10 Quotes That Will Permanently Change your Perspective on Life

Do what makes you happy and be done with all the rest.

Do what makes you happy and be done with all the rest.

When I was a young girl, I used to love to order Chinese-American takeout. Aside from it being my favorite cuisine, I mainly loved cracking open the fortune cookies and reading the saying inside. My family and I would sit around the table and read aloud what our particular fortune said. This is when my love affair with quotes began.

When I need inspiration or motivation, I typically like to read. I’ll read self- help books or a few excerpts from my favorite devotional book gifted to me by mother. If I am in a pinch and don't have the time to read a few excerpts, I will opt to read quotes online. After reading, I take the time out to reflect and meditate on what has been revealed to me. This practice keeps me centered and focused. Words of wisdom have a way of shifting your views and changing your perspective on life.

The man that knows something knows he knows nothing at all.

The man that knows something knows he knows nothing at all.

10 Life-Changing Quotes

1.“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do”.

2.“ If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it. If you do not ask the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward you will always be in the same place”.

3. “At any given moment you have the power to say this is not how my story is going to end”.

4. “Your life does not get better by choice, it gets better by change”.

5. “Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone”.

6. “Reflect on how far you have come and you will always be grateful”.

7. “If you suffer it is because of you. If you are blissful is because of you. Nobody else is responsible, only you and you alone. You are your hell and your heaven too”.

8. “We are all in the gutter. Some of us are looking down at the garbage and some of us are looking up to the stars”.

9. “Remembering you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart”.

10. “Once the game is over the king and the pawn go back in the same box”.


Fall Into Autumn

Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

“Dear Summer, I know you’re not gone, but I miss you already.” In my city, it is currently a bitter 50 degrees Fahrenheit with what feels like a freezing wind chill. Can you believe how fast summer came and is now almost over? The middle of summer was blazing hot and I enjoyed every minute of it. Now it’s time time to cool it on down and welcome autumn with open arms. When I think of fall, I think of the lovely foliage that I experience living here in New England. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I tend to stock up on spiced candles, long-sleeved henleys, and pumpkin muffins kin to a squirrel hoarding acorns.The Autumn Equinox will fall on Monday, September 23. It’s that time of year when the days become shorter and the nights grow longer in the Northern Hemisphere. Autumn is usually ushered in with rustic festivals filled with grilled corn, apple cider, and bumpy hayrides. These harvest festivals are celebrated all around the world at different times, marking the end of hard work in the fields and reaping what has been sewn.

Not intended for copyright infringement.

Not intended for copyright infringement.


Symbols of Autumn

With autumn comes the perfect balance of Libras scales. There are equal hours of daylight and darkness, and nostalgic feelings of warmth and crisp cool air. Fall is associated with abundance due to the overflowing of food harvested. Autumn is also a time of deep reflection for many. The end of the summers comforting warmth and blinding sunlight has made its appearance, and the foreshadowing of ice-cold, barren, darkness sends chills throughout the body.

 Unlike summer, during the fall you may not be as active outdoors as the weather takes a turn and becomes more frigid. Autumns slower pace gives you more time to be indoors which in turn inspires you to look inward. This is an awesome time to journal and consider the decisions you have made, the road ahead of you, and how you can go about manifesting your desires. Fall shows us how beautiful it can be to let things go. The trees lose their leaves and still stand tall, firm, glorious and deep-rooted. Like spring, many people jumpstart fall with a deep cleaning of their home. Declutter and donate whatever is of no use to you anymore. This enchanting season prepares us for the winter recession so we can appreciate springs renewal.






Sologamy: The Ultimate Act of Self-Love

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.

Imagine being so committed to yourself that you decide to walk down the aisle… alone. Sologamy is the act of marrying oneself (partner not included). As foreign as it sounds, it is a rising trend amongst women. Women are marrying themselves at their solo weddings equipped with all the festivities that occur at a traditional wedding.

Is the dating scene that bad forcing women no other choice but to marry themselves? Sologamist women say this act is not about being anti-relationships, and more about being in touch and committed to themselves. As little girls, we are preconditioned to look forward to our knight in shining armor to come and sweep us off of our pretty little feet. We owe this mindset to heteronormative fairy tales we begin watching as young as 2 years old. Young girls are rarely taught self-love and self-acceptance. As the young girl grows into a teenager and begins dating, she is not taught how to cultivate her belief systems. Teens will often lack the skill set to decide what may be best for them independent of a relationship.

Love is like a good cake. You don’t know when it’s coming but you better eat it when it does.

Love is like a good cake. You don’t know when it’s coming but you better eat it when it does.

In today's society, women who are single and happy are viewed as the exact opposite. They are automatically looked down upon as being single and miserable. According to the overly ignorant, a woman who is single with no children has to be a closet lesbian. There is a grave misbelief that being in a committed relationship heading towards marriage is the ultimate goal and end all be all in a woman's life. We all know this to be untrue. This general societal view is one of the many reasons why some women are severely depressed. They are frantically on the hunt for this fairy tale life that only exists in the Disney movies they’ve watched since toddlers.

Sologamy is solely about the individual proclaiming that they are worthy and showing that they are more than enough with or without a partner. Even if we do not agree with a sologamist lifestyle, we should all appreciate the fact that these individuals are courageous enough to put themselves first in a world where so many cannot do so.



The Resurgence of the Divine Feminine

Flower bush

Living in a patriarchal society, many of us have never heard of or even understand what the Divine Feminine is. Although we have experienced her presence our entire lives, we have not been properly educated on this dynamic aspect of ourselves. This powerful energy resides within us all. Both women and men have this creative life force surging through our being. The divine feminine is the loving, healing, compassionate, intuitive and nurturing energy we possess. For centuries. women have been repressed and not revered in the matter in which we should be. This is the reason why the Divine Feminine has been tucked away in the shadows waiting for the perfect time in space to rise again.

That time has come

We are at a time in history where women are taking their rightful positions in the world. Many women have become more comfortable in their skin and are reclaiming their power and independence. We are finding our voices and are not afraid to use them. This behavior is a direct result of the divine feminine rising within us. The divine feminine at its core is free, limitless, and creative. The divine feminine is the force to be reckoned with.

If we are going to see real improvement in the world, then our best investment is women. -Desmond Tutu

If we are going to see real improvement in the world, then our best investment is women. -Desmond Tutu

3 Ways of Honoring the Divine Feminine

Awakening the divine feminine within you is a practice that will help you get more in tune with yourself. You will begin to lead a more fulfilling, and joyful life once you acknowledge and hone in on this aspect of yourself. There are countless ways to honor the sacred feminine. Here are a few to start:

  1. Listen to your Intuition

    Intuition is pure energy. It is what your spirit is feeling at the time. Listening to your intuition is listening to your higher self. Pay attention to what your intuition is saying and act accordingly. Your intuition is your spiritual GPS keeping you in alignment.

  2. Love your Body

    Your body has sustained you for years and it is time that you appreciate and embrace the vessel that you were blessed with. Your body is miraculous and should be treated as such. Treat your body with tender care and watch how invigorated you begin to feel.

  3. Be Attentive to your Emotions

    Your emotions are energy in motion. Whether the energy is high or low, be completely in the moment and feel every moment of it fully. Ask yourself where are these emotions coming from? Do I have control over my emotions? Was it necessary for me to react in that manner? Asking yourself these questions allows you to evaluate the emotions and let you know how to better deal with them when they arise again. You will become emotionally intelligent while actively and consciously involved in your healing.

When you heal your self, the Divine Feminine is healed as well. The more you heal, the more the Divine Feminine can shine her light. It is your honorable duty to bring her to the forefront and let her be your representative from now on. You are here to make a difference. You are significant. The world needs you.


Choosing a Positive Path

When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

In this fairly new era of consciousness, with many people awakening to their divine ability, we are witnessing many sappy and cliche quotes being thrown around. One quote that comes to mind is “A positive mind equals a positive life.” This sounds good and all, but the question remains… “How true is it?” We all have experienced the roller coaster- like ups and downs of life. Everything isn’t always smooth sailing.

Knowing this, we have to come up with ways to deal with life’s hurdles. Instead of sulking, we need to be proactive in making ourselves feel better. When life gives us lemons we have to make lemonade. Yes, I know. Yet another popular cliché. I’m starting to think these old sayings hold a bit of weight.

3 Easy Ways to Become More Positive

1.Choose Positive Friends

The friends that you keep should be inspiring, uplifting, and focused on becoming better versions of themselves as well. Keeping a great group of friends who share the same mindset will keep you grounded and assist you in reaching your maximum potential.

2.Choose Your Entertainment Wisely

Everything that we consume impacts us in some form or fashion. This goes for what we watch and listen to as well. Watching a movie or television show that triggers your anxiety is a practice you should consider tossing. Listening to music that is lyrically violent should also be avoided. Instead, try listening to affirmations, meditation music, or watch content that teaches you something new. Reading a great self-help book is a sure way to keep you positively productive.

3. Random Acts of Kindness

Making other people feel better when you cross their path is one of the best feelings on earth. You automatically feel a sense of joy and want to continue impacting the lives of yourself and others in this way. Something as simple as holding a door, or giving a compliment can instantly change you or your neighbor's mood for the better.

When we choose to look at the light of things, our perspective changes. Instead of seeing the negative side we focus on the positive and in turn our mood and demeanor suddenly change. If we make this a common practice our loads become easier to bear and our vibrations rise higher. When you choose positivity you are ultimately choosing happiness. The choice is yours. You are the captain of your vessel, be sure to steer your life in a positive direction.

How to Use Social Media to Raise your Vibration

Your focus determines your reality.

Your focus determines your reality.

Feelings of gratitude, happiness, and peace should be first nature to us. However, in today's drama-filled world, we may be knocked out of balance and experience feelings of stress more often than not. Our emotions are based on two frequencies which are fear and love. Love has a higher vibrational frequency, while fear and doubt are of a lower vibration.

Raising your vibration can happen within the blink of an eye. There are tons of exercises across the web letting you know exactly what you should do to heighten your mood. One simple way to raise your vibration is to listen to a song that inspires or makes you feel joy. Meditation is another well-known way to center yourself and alter your mood. When I am feeling down, I love going for a walk in nature with my two lovely daughters. Walking coupled with the serenity of nature can reduce stress and anxiety within minutes.

 With our busy schedules, we rarely get a chance to enjoy the outdoors as much as we used to. The little downtime that we do have is spent on our device of choice. We are constantly browsing the web and always checking our social media accounts. According to surveys, internet users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networking and messaging platforms. That is a considerable amount of time. We should be putting our time on social media platforms to good use. If we are going to be glued to a screen we might as well make it worth our while.


Beautiful woman

6 Ways to Raise your Vibrational Frequency with Social Media

1. Start a New Instagram Page with a Positive Screenname

For a fresh start and clean slate so to speak, create a separate Instagram account from your original page. Choose a positive name like “manifestingmiranda” or “abundancequeen” to set the tone of what your content will showcase.

 2. Follow Inspirational Accounts

The next step is to follow accounts that only post inspirational, spiritual,  fitness,motivational, funny, or business-oriented content. Your timeline will be filled with positive content which will be feeding your focus and raising your vibration at the same time. By only interacting with like-minded individuals, you are eliminating the possibility of falling back into lower vibrational thinking.

3. Digital Vision Board

Post pictures of everything you want to manifest in your life. Some ideas are jobs, homes, wardrobe, cars, or your goal body type. View and stay active on the page daily for motivation and the best manifestation results. You can also create a great digital vision board using Pinterest.

5. Watch Affirmations on Youtube

Youtube has a plethora of videos that will help you raise your vibration. Every morning and before bed listen to affirmations to keep you grounded and centered.

6. Watch TED Talks on Youtube

TED talks have become increasingly popular and for good reason. People love to hear inspiring stories of influential people who have built extraordinary lives from the ground up. These speeches are relatable and promising.

*Bonus* Start a business

Have you ever dreamed of working for yourself? It is more accessible than ever to start an online business with the popularity of the internet. Research niches that you are extremely interested in and find a unique need that you can fulfill for your potential clients. Dropshipping, Wellness coaches, and Blogging are tried and true entrepreneurial routes that will grant you success once you’ve built your brand.

 If you give all of these tips a try and make them into a daily ritual, I can assure you that your vibrations will rise higher than you expected them to. You will feel awesome, motivated and ready to take on the world. The key to staying in alignment with a higher frequency is to be consistent with being positive. Energy flows where attention goes. Whatever is the center of your attention will be the most prominent energy in your life.