Choosing a Positive Path

When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

In this fairly new era of consciousness, with many people awakening to their divine ability, we are witnessing many sappy and cliche quotes being thrown around. One quote that comes to mind is “A positive mind equals a positive life.” This sounds good and all, but the question remains… “How true is it?” We all have experienced the roller coaster- like ups and downs of life. Everything isn’t always smooth sailing.

Knowing this, we have to come up with ways to deal with life’s hurdles. Instead of sulking, we need to be proactive in making ourselves feel better. When life gives us lemons we have to make lemonade. Yes, I know. Yet another popular cliché. I’m starting to think these old sayings hold a bit of weight.

3 Easy Ways to Become More Positive

1.Choose Positive Friends

The friends that you keep should be inspiring, uplifting, and focused on becoming better versions of themselves as well. Keeping a great group of friends who share the same mindset will keep you grounded and assist you in reaching your maximum potential.

2.Choose Your Entertainment Wisely

Everything that we consume impacts us in some form or fashion. This goes for what we watch and listen to as well. Watching a movie or television show that triggers your anxiety is a practice you should consider tossing. Listening to music that is lyrically violent should also be avoided. Instead, try listening to affirmations, meditation music, or watch content that teaches you something new. Reading a great self-help book is a sure way to keep you positively productive.

3. Random Acts of Kindness

Making other people feel better when you cross their path is one of the best feelings on earth. You automatically feel a sense of joy and want to continue impacting the lives of yourself and others in this way. Something as simple as holding a door, or giving a compliment can instantly change you or your neighbor's mood for the better.

When we choose to look at the light of things, our perspective changes. Instead of seeing the negative side we focus on the positive and in turn our mood and demeanor suddenly change. If we make this a common practice our loads become easier to bear and our vibrations rise higher. When you choose positivity you are ultimately choosing happiness. The choice is yours. You are the captain of your vessel, be sure to steer your life in a positive direction.