How to Use Social Media to Raise your Vibration

Your focus determines your reality.

Your focus determines your reality.

Feelings of gratitude, happiness, and peace should be first nature to us. However, in today's drama-filled world, we may be knocked out of balance and experience feelings of stress more often than not. Our emotions are based on two frequencies which are fear and love. Love has a higher vibrational frequency, while fear and doubt are of a lower vibration.

Raising your vibration can happen within the blink of an eye. There are tons of exercises across the web letting you know exactly what you should do to heighten your mood. One simple way to raise your vibration is to listen to a song that inspires or makes you feel joy. Meditation is another well-known way to center yourself and alter your mood. When I am feeling down, I love going for a walk in nature with my two lovely daughters. Walking coupled with the serenity of nature can reduce stress and anxiety within minutes.

 With our busy schedules, we rarely get a chance to enjoy the outdoors as much as we used to. The little downtime that we do have is spent on our device of choice. We are constantly browsing the web and always checking our social media accounts. According to surveys, internet users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networking and messaging platforms. That is a considerable amount of time. We should be putting our time on social media platforms to good use. If we are going to be glued to a screen we might as well make it worth our while.


Beautiful woman

6 Ways to Raise your Vibrational Frequency with Social Media

1. Start a New Instagram Page with a Positive Screenname

For a fresh start and clean slate so to speak, create a separate Instagram account from your original page. Choose a positive name like “manifestingmiranda” or “abundancequeen” to set the tone of what your content will showcase.

 2. Follow Inspirational Accounts

The next step is to follow accounts that only post inspirational, spiritual,  fitness,motivational, funny, or business-oriented content. Your timeline will be filled with positive content which will be feeding your focus and raising your vibration at the same time. By only interacting with like-minded individuals, you are eliminating the possibility of falling back into lower vibrational thinking.

3. Digital Vision Board

Post pictures of everything you want to manifest in your life. Some ideas are jobs, homes, wardrobe, cars, or your goal body type. View and stay active on the page daily for motivation and the best manifestation results. You can also create a great digital vision board using Pinterest.

5. Watch Affirmations on Youtube

Youtube has a plethora of videos that will help you raise your vibration. Every morning and before bed listen to affirmations to keep you grounded and centered.

6. Watch TED Talks on Youtube

TED talks have become increasingly popular and for good reason. People love to hear inspiring stories of influential people who have built extraordinary lives from the ground up. These speeches are relatable and promising.

*Bonus* Start a business

Have you ever dreamed of working for yourself? It is more accessible than ever to start an online business with the popularity of the internet. Research niches that you are extremely interested in and find a unique need that you can fulfill for your potential clients. Dropshipping, Wellness coaches, and Blogging are tried and true entrepreneurial routes that will grant you success once you’ve built your brand.

 If you give all of these tips a try and make them into a daily ritual, I can assure you that your vibrations will rise higher than you expected them to. You will feel awesome, motivated and ready to take on the world. The key to staying in alignment with a higher frequency is to be consistent with being positive. Energy flows where attention goes. Whatever is the center of your attention will be the most prominent energy in your life.