The Resurgence of the Divine Feminine

Flower bush

Living in a patriarchal society, many of us have never heard of or even understand what the Divine Feminine is. Although we have experienced her presence our entire lives, we have not been properly educated on this dynamic aspect of ourselves. This powerful energy resides within us all. Both women and men have this creative life force surging through our being. The divine feminine is the loving, healing, compassionate, intuitive and nurturing energy we possess. For centuries. women have been repressed and not revered in the matter in which we should be. This is the reason why the Divine Feminine has been tucked away in the shadows waiting for the perfect time in space to rise again.

That time has come

We are at a time in history where women are taking their rightful positions in the world. Many women have become more comfortable in their skin and are reclaiming their power and independence. We are finding our voices and are not afraid to use them. This behavior is a direct result of the divine feminine rising within us. The divine feminine at its core is free, limitless, and creative. The divine feminine is the force to be reckoned with.

If we are going to see real improvement in the world, then our best investment is women. -Desmond Tutu

If we are going to see real improvement in the world, then our best investment is women. -Desmond Tutu

3 Ways of Honoring the Divine Feminine

Awakening the divine feminine within you is a practice that will help you get more in tune with yourself. You will begin to lead a more fulfilling, and joyful life once you acknowledge and hone in on this aspect of yourself. There are countless ways to honor the sacred feminine. Here are a few to start:

  1. Listen to your Intuition

    Intuition is pure energy. It is what your spirit is feeling at the time. Listening to your intuition is listening to your higher self. Pay attention to what your intuition is saying and act accordingly. Your intuition is your spiritual GPS keeping you in alignment.

  2. Love your Body

    Your body has sustained you for years and it is time that you appreciate and embrace the vessel that you were blessed with. Your body is miraculous and should be treated as such. Treat your body with tender care and watch how invigorated you begin to feel.

  3. Be Attentive to your Emotions

    Your emotions are energy in motion. Whether the energy is high or low, be completely in the moment and feel every moment of it fully. Ask yourself where are these emotions coming from? Do I have control over my emotions? Was it necessary for me to react in that manner? Asking yourself these questions allows you to evaluate the emotions and let you know how to better deal with them when they arise again. You will become emotionally intelligent while actively and consciously involved in your healing.

When you heal your self, the Divine Feminine is healed as well. The more you heal, the more the Divine Feminine can shine her light. It is your honorable duty to bring her to the forefront and let her be your representative from now on. You are here to make a difference. You are significant. The world needs you.