Turn your Home into a Healing Sanctuary

My wish is to always stay like this. Living quietly in a corner of nature.

My wish is to always stay like this. Living quietly in a corner of nature.

If I could describe my personality type I would say that I am an introverted extrovert. I am a homebody and proud of it. There I said it. Often times when you tell people you are a homebody, they look at you like you are nuts. I'd much rather be at home than in a night club or bar. Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with these places. I just prefer to be in my own space doing my own thing. My own thing rarely includes large amounts of people and blaring music. In my world, the quote "home is where the heart is" couldn't be truer of a statement.

No matter how big or small, our homes should serve as a source of complete comfort. We come home to escape the troubles of the outside world and to wind down. Ideally, our homes should be warm and inviting. Maintaining a tidy and well-organized home is essential for things to run more efficiently in your household. In other words, you want the chi in your home to be on point.

Bringing nature into your home is a sure way to spruce your home up with natural beauty and natures healing energy. Nature has a supernatural way of calming the mind, body, and soul. Long-term studies looking at the brain activity of people who spent three days in nature revealed lower levels of theta activity. The theta activity indicated that the brain had rested. Since we live indoors, we are in a sense disconnected from nature. There are a multitude of ways we can bring natural resources into the home and increase the healing energy of our sanctuaries.


4 Ways to Bring Nature into your Home

Home is a nurturing sanctuary in which you should feel safe and calm at all times.

  1. House Plants

Houseplants are the more obvious way of bringing nature indoors. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they can also increase the air quality in your home. Some houseplants that are good for beginners are succulents and cacti.

2.Water Fountain

People love the sound of waves crashing on the beach or the sound of torrential rain pounding the concrete. Flowing water is extremely soothing and great for mental relaxation. There are a host of small water fountains for sale in Home Goods stores. There are a variety of styles to fit in with the decor of your home and a plus is they are affordable.


Crystals are naturally occurring rocks that form when liquids start to cool. Certain molecules in the liquid gather together as they attempt to become stable. They do this in a uniform and repeating pattern that forms the crystal. Crystals come in a variety of colors and formations. They are gorgeous to look at and people sometimes use crystals as a meditation tool. They are said to have different spiritual properties and healing energies. Feel free to research the term "crystal healing" for more information.

4.Plant-Based Foods

I know this may be a bit unexpected but bear with me for a moment. Just as we are treating our homes with love and care we need to be treating our bodies the same way if not better. Plant-based foods are nutrient dense and provide the body with the nourishment and fuel it needs to thrive. Fill your refrigerator with as many fruits and vegetables as you can. Your body will thank you in more ways than you could imagine. We only get one body this lifetime. Cherish it.