Create your Heaven on Earth Now

There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.

There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.

I can remember in my early college days when gossip blogs became increasingly popular. My former best friend and I would gawk at the pictures and admire the luxury clothing and lavish lifestyles. We would emulate their style of dress and dream of one-day meeting or being friends with these celebrities. One day while visiting one of these blogs, and staring at a picture of Beyonce relax on a yacht, a light clicked in my mind. I asked myself what I was gaining from following and being so fixated on the lives of these famous strangers. Granted, we did love their artistry and talent but this obsession with how they lived was becoming a bit much. It was that day in which I decided that I was no longer going to follow these gossip sites to watch the rich and famous live out their dreams. Instead, I was going to focus my energy on living my best life and creating my very own version of heaven on earth.

One of the first questions I asked myself was " What are your dreams?" This question is pivotal in creating your heaven on earth. You must identify what you want out of life and do everything in your power to make that happen. It is that simple. Of course, the road will not be easy, but that is the formula you must follow. There is no way you can fail if you follow through.

The next question I asked was " What do you need to do to accomplish these dreams?". At that point in my life, I was very unhappy. I was dealing with the loss of my great- grandmother and at odds with my beloved mother. I was in college disinterested in my studies and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was so down and out that my only dream at the time was to be genuinely happy. I read numerous self- help books, listened to Louise Hay affirmations and stayed to myself. I began to look at life from a different perspective and became happier and more connected to myself as the days passed. Mission accomplished.

Home is where the heart is.

Home is where the heart is.

"Where do you see yourself living?" is another great question to ask yourself. Your environment has a direct effect on you. For instance, If you are easily stressed and anxiety-prone, city life is not for you. And on the flip side, if you are bored in your small hometown and want to experience a faster pace and more active lifestyle, then you should consider moving to the city.

The relationships we experience and form in our lives shape us into who we are, and who we will become. These relationships, whether they be family, friends, or romantic should be loving and supporting. Who do you want by your side while enjoying your heaven on earth? Think to yourself who makes you feel loved, inspired and supported and try and cultivate your relationship with them even further. Anyone who is not supportive or in any way hinders your happiness should have limited access to you. You don't have to completely cut them off but you should create clear and concise boundaries for these individuals.

Only you know what your heaven on earth looks like. We all have different dreams and aspirations. Asking yourself these basic questions gives you a head start at creating your dream life. It is our birthright to delight in and fall in love with our lives. Heaven doesn't have to be some far off fantasy land in the sky. You can and should create your very own heaven here and now.